


Paula Modersohn-Becker (1876-1907)
A Girl's Head in front of a Window 1906



  1. a beautiful portrait. pensive, as you say, very rightly. i would like to sit with her and talk ....

    do you know, is this clara westhoff? --- this girl certainly looks different to me from mondersohn-becker's other portrait of clara, but i'm usually not very good at identifying such things, and i could be wrong ... isn't it funny that i want this to be clara, as if my knowing would testify to some personal connection? (i suppose i could find out for sure with a simple google search, but i want to know without searching!!:-))


    1. i don't know who she is, but the painting speaks to me so deeply... the way she turns her back to the opening to the outside, green, hopeful world, the haze of her look, the sadness...

      i once prepared a seminar paper in germany, during a scholarship, on Clara Westhoff - i think it was then that i have fallen in love with the name Clara :-)
